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  • CONTACT | joe-l-juarez-jr-dc

    CONTACTO 15679 Bear Valley Rd., Ste. B Hesperia, CA 92345 Teléfono: (760) 948-4888 Fax: (760) 948-6400 Click to Call We are located on Bear Valley Rd. (the dividing line between Victorville and Hesperia) with the nearest cross street being Eleventh St. behind Tam's Burgers Contact Us First Name Last Name Email Phone Leave us a message... Submit Thanks for submitting! Your Time is Valuable We, therefore, run the clinic on an appointment basis. Although it may be more profitable to place every patient that walks into the office in the lobby so that they can await treatment, we have found that this causes extremely long wait times. We have noted that patients prefer scheduled appointment times so that the wait is kept to a minimum. Although we often are able to accommodate same day appointments and walk-in patients, we always give priority to the appointments that are on the schedule.

  • KNEE PAIN | joe-l-juarez-jr-dc

    KNEE PAIN Chiropractic care can help with several knee conditions by addressing misalignments and improving joint function. Some of the knee conditions that chiropractic treatment can assist with include: 1. Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome: Also known as “runner’s knee,” this condition involves pain around the kneecap. Chiropractors can use techniques to improve patellar tracking and reduce inflammation. 2. Osteoarthritis: Chiropractic adjustments can help manage the pain and stiffness associated with osteoarthritis by improving joint mobility and function. 3. Meniscus Injuries: For minor meniscal injuries, chiropractic care can help improve knee alignment and reduce strain on the injured tissue. 4. Ligament Injuries: Chiropractic adjustments and therapies can assist in the rehabilitation of ligament injuries, such as those to the ACL or MCL, by promoting proper joint mechanics and healing. 5. Iliotibial Band Syndrome (ITBS): This condition causes pain on the outer side of the knee. Chiropractors can address ITBS by adjusting the alignment of the knee and hip and providing myofascial release. 6. Tendinitis: Chiropractic care can help with various forms of knee tendinitis by reducing inflammation and improving joint mechanics to prevent further strain on the tendons. 7. Bursitis: Inflammation of the bursa around the knee can be managed with chiropractic adjustments to reduce pressure on the affected area. Chiropractic care often includes adjustments, soft tissue therapy, stretching, strengthening exercises, and advice on ergonomic and lifestyle changes to support knee health.

  • NECK PAIN | joe-l-juarez-jr-dc

    NECK PAIN Chiropractic care can help with neck pain through a variety of techniques aimed at improving spinal alignment, reducing muscle tension, and enhancing joint function. Here are some ways chiropractors address neck pain: 1. Spinal Manipulation: Also known as a chiropractic adjustment, this technique involves applying controlled, sudden force to a spinal joint. The goal is to improve spinal motion and physical function, which can reduce pain and improve range of motion in the neck. 2. Mobilization: This is a gentler form of manipulation that involves moving and stretching the muscles and joints to increase the range of motion. 3. Soft Tissue Therapy: Chiropractors may use massage or other techniques to relax and stretch tight muscles and alleviate tension around the neck. 4. Exercises and Stretches: Chiropractors often prescribe specific exercises and stretches to strengthen the neck muscles and improve posture, which can help prevent future pain. 5. Lifestyle Advice: They might offer advice on ergonomics, posture, and lifestyle changes to reduce strain on the neck and prevent further issues. 6. Modalities: Chiropractors may use additional treatments such as heat, ice, electrical stimulation, or ultrasound to reduce inflammation and pain. Chiropractic care for neck pain is typically a holistic approach, addressing not only the symptoms but also the underlying causes of pain to promote long-term relief and overall spinal health. Regular chiropractic care can also play a preventative role, helping to maintain spinal health and reduce the likelihood of recurring neck pain.

  • Terms of Use | joe-l-juarez-jr-dc

    Términos de uso y política de privacidad Soy una página llena de jerga legal aquí para ayudarlo a protegerlo. Las cláusulas de Términos de uso y Política de privacidad definen las condiciones que uno debe aceptar para poder utilizar su sitio web. Una vez que el usuario de su sitio lee esta página, automáticamente acepta las políticas establecidas en ella. Si su usuario no está de acuerdo con estos políticas, no debe usar su sitio. Política de privacidad. Haga clic para editarme. Soy una cláusula de la Política de Privacidad. Le recomendamos que utilice este espacio para que sus visitantes sepan cómo va a usar y almacenar cualquier información recopilada sobre los visitantes de su sitio web. Una política de privacidad sólida con pleno la divulgación que cumpla con las leyes aplicables infundirá confianza en sus lectores y lo protegerá de una variedad de problemas de responsabilidad. Soy una cláusula dentro de su Política de Privacidad. Haz clic aquí para editarme. Para personalizar su propia Política de privacidad, haga clic aquí para agregar su propio texto y editarme. Simplemente haga clic en "Editar texto" o haga doble clic en mí y puede comenzar a agregar su propio contenido y realizar cambios en la fuente. Sentirse libre para arrastrarme y soltarme en cualquier lugar que desee en su página. Condiciones de uso. Haga clic para editarme. Soy una cláusula de Términos de uso. Le recomendamos que utilice este espacio para describir lo que su usuario puede y no puede hacer en su sitio, y dejar en claro lo que se espera de los visitantes de su sitio. Esto es legalmente declaración vinculante y puede protegerlo a usted y a su empresa, cuando cumpla con las leyes aplicables, de juicios y otras acciones legales. Para personalizar sus propios Términos de uso, haga clic aquí para agregar su propio texto y editarme. Simplemente haga clic en "Editar texto" o haga doble clic en mí y puede comenzar a agregar su propio contenido y realizar cambios en la fuente. Sentirse libre para arrastrarme y soltarme en cualquier lugar que desee en su página.

  • SPECIALS | joe-l-juarez-jr-dc

    NO ¡CONTRATOS! En Juarez Chiropratic le proporcionaremos una consulta y un examen exhaustivos en su visita inicial. El examen puede incluir varias pruebas neurológicas y ortopédicas dependiendo de su condición específica. El examen también puede incluir radiografías digitales del área de la queja. Si su condición puede tratarse con atención quiropráctica, también le brindaremos la atención adecuada en su visita inicial. Esta atención puede incluir compresas de hielo/calor, estimulación eléctrica, ultrasonido, terapia de masaje y/o ajuste quiropráctico. Cada paciente es diferente y la atención se adaptará a las necesidades individuales del paciente. En Juarez Chiropractic estamos seguros de que estará contento con su atención y entusiasmado con la atención continua en nuestra clínica. Nosotros, por lo tanto, nunca tenemos y nunca requeriremos ningún tipo de contrato de cuidado a largo plazo. Especial para pacientes nuevos $169.00* ​ Consulta Examen Radiografías (un juego/región) Terapia Masaje (10 minutos) Ajustamiento ​ * No aplicable a casos de Medicare, seguros o lesiones personales Plus... Starting at Click to Call

  • SCIATICA | joe-l-juarez-jr-dc

    SCIATICA pain radiating along the sciatic nerve Chiropractic care can help alleviate sciatic pain through various techniques that focus on spinal alignment, reducing inflammation, and improving overall function. Here are some common chiropractic approaches for treating sciatica: 1. Spinal Adjustments: Chiropractors use spinal manipulations to realign the vertebrae, which can reduce nerve irritability responsible for causing inflammation, muscle spasm, and pain associated with sciatica. 2. Ice/Cold Therapy: Applying ice or cold packs can help reduce inflammation and numb the sore tissues, providing temporary pain relief. 3. Ultrasound: This therapy uses sound waves to generate gentle heat that penetrates deep into tissues. It can increase circulation, reduce muscle spasms, cramping, swelling, stiffness, and pain. 4. Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS): A TENS unit is a machine that uses electrical current to stimulate muscles. Chiropractors use it to control pain and reduce muscle spasms. 5. Exercise: Chiropractors often recommend specific exercises to strengthen the muscles around the spine, improve flexibility, and promote overall spinal health. These exercises can help alleviate pressure on the sciatic nerve. 7. Stretching and Massage: Soft tissue therapies such as massage and stretching can help relieve muscle tightness and improve blood flow, which can reduce pain and promote healing. 8. Lifestyle and Ergonomic Advice: Chiropractors may offer advice on posture, proper lifting techniques, and other lifestyle modifications to reduce strain on the lower back and prevent future sciatic pain. By addressing both the symptoms and underlying causes of sciatic pain, chiropractic care aims to provide effective and long-lasting relief, helping patients improve their quality of life. Regular chiropractic care can also play a preventative role, helping to maintain spinal health and reduce the likelihood of recurring sciatic pain.

  • SPANISH / ESPANOL | joe-l-juarez-jr-dc

    SOBRE NUESTRA CLINICA QUIROPRACTICA En Juarez Chiropractic nos enorgullecemos en brindar atencion de la mas alta calidad para ayudarle a regresar a sus actividades normales lo mas rapido posible. Ofrecemos el mas alto nivel de atencion al paciente para garantizar su salud fisica optima. Desde 2003 nuestro equipo de profesionales dedicados h an tratado a los pacientes del desierto alto con integridad, devocion, y compasion. Nuestra mision es ayudarlo a recuperar su funcion y mejorar su calidad de vida en general. Comuniquese con nosotros para conocer los servicios quiropracticos que brindamos en nuestra clinica en Hesperia, California. ​ SERVICIOS QUIROPRACTICOS En Juarez Chiropractic creemos en el tratamiento de todo el cuerpo en lugar de tratar una lesion o un problema medico de forma aislada. Es por eso que ofrecemos variedad de servicios para ayudar a mejorar el movimiento y su estado fisico. Nuestros servicios incluyen estimulacion electrica, ultrasonido terapeutico, terapia de masajes, terapia de luz roja, terapia de Graston, y ajustes quiropracticos. Tambien proporcionamos servicios de radiografias digitales. Explore nuestra pagina de internet para aprender mas sobre nuestros servicios quiropracticos que ofrecemos e n nuestra clinica en Hesperia, Clinica. ​ ACCIDENTES DE CARRO En Juarez Chiropractic tambien ofrecemos tratamiento para heridas de accidentes de carro. Comuniquese con nuestra oficina para ver si podemos acceptar su caso. AJUSTES Y TRATAMIENTO PARA: Dolor en el cuello Dolor de cabeza Dolor en la espalda Dolor en los brazos o piernas Dolor en la cadera Dolor c iactica Dolor en los musculos y coyunturas Torsiduras ​ ​

  • AUTO ACCIDENT INJURY | joe-l-juarez-jr-dc

    Especial para pacientes nuevos $169.00* ​ Consulta Examen Radiografías (un juego/región) Terapia Masaje (10 minutos) Ajustamiento ​ * No aplicable a casos de Medicare, seguros o lesiones personales Have you suffered an injury due to an auto accident, trucking accident, motorcycle accident, or other type of personal injury accident? Allow us to help you recover from your injuries. Our High Desert chiropractic clinic will develop a personalized treatment plan to quickly get you back to enjoying your normal daily activities. We accept most attorney liens. If you don't have an attorney, don't worry. Throughout the years we have worked with numerous attorneys in the High Desert and throughout Southern California on a lien basis. We can help you find and choose an attorney that suits your needs. Auto Accident Injuries At Juarez Chiropractic we are dedicated to helping individuals who have suffered personal injuries as a result of being involved in an auto accident. Our team of experienced professionals provides top-notch chiropractic services in the High Desert to ensure a speedy recovery and proper care for our patients. We understand the importance of alleviating pain and restoring mobility, which is why we offer specialized treatments for whiplash and other injuries. Our commitment to our patients goes beyond just providing excellent care. We work closely with personal injury attorneys in the High Desert and throughout Southern California on a lien basis. We can provide appropriate referrals for additional medical services when needed. Trust our High Desert chiropractic clinic to be your partner in your journey to recovery. Call for Appointment

  • TECH NECK/TEXT NECK | joe-l-juarez-jr-dc

    TECH “TEXT” NECK Tech neck, also known as "text neck," is a term for chronic neck or shoulder pain caused by poor posture while using technology such as phones, laptops, or tablets. It can be caused by looking down at devices for long periods of time. This can strain the neck muscles and contribute to anterior head carriage or loss of the normal lordotic curvature of the neck. It can also contribute to the shoulders hunching forward. This can cause musculoskeletal fatigue, pressure on the nerves in the neck, and uneven pressure on the spine. Over time, tech neck can worsen and may lead to other chronic conditions, such as: ​ Headaches Neck spasms Pain between the shoulder blades Limited range of motion Joint inflammation Pinched nerves Herniated discs ​ Tech neck has become increasingly common, especially in younger generations, due to the amount of time people spend on their devices. ​ Chiropractic treatment can help with tech neck in several ways: 1. Spinal Adjustments: Chiropractors perform adjustments to realign the spine, reduce tension, and alleviate pain. 2. Postural Advice: Chiropractors provide guidance on maintaining proper posture while using devices, helping to prevent further strain. 3. Exercises and Stretches: Chiropractors recommend specific exercises and stretches to strengthen the neck and upper back muscles, improving flexibility and reducing discomfort. 4. Soft Tissue Therapy: Techniques like massage therapy can relieve muscle tension and improve blood flow to the affected areas. 5. Ergonomic Recommendations: Chiropractors suggest ergonomic improvements for workstations to minimize strain on the neck and back. These treatments can help reduce pain, improve mobility, and prevent future issues related to tech neck. ​ ​

  • HEADACHES | joe-l-juarez-jr-dc

    HEADACHES Chiropractic care can help with headaches in several ways: ​ 1. Spinal Adjustments: Chiropractors perform spinal manipulations to correct misalignments (subluxations) that may contribute to tension in the muscles and nerves. This can alleviate tension headaches and help with migraines caused by spinal misalignment. 2. Muscle Tension Relief: Chiropractic care often includes soft tissue therapy, which helps to relieve muscle tension and spasms in the neck and upper back. This can reduce tension headaches. 3. Stress Reduction: Regular chiropractic care can help reduce overall stress levels, which is a common trigger for headaches. 4. Posture Correction: Poor posture can contribute to headaches, especially those originating from the neck. Chiropractors can provide guidance and exercises to improve posture, thereby reducing headache occurrence. 5. Lifestyle and Nutritional Advice: Chiropractors often offer advice on diet, exercise, and ergonomics, which can help in managing and preventing headaches. Overall, chiropractic care aims to address the underlying causes of headaches rather than just treating the symptoms, potentially leading to long-term relief. ​

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